Decorative paper cups made with recycled paper

Today, we want to share with you these beautiful decorative paper cups made with recycled paper. With this idea, you can recycle your newspapers, magazines, books and any kind of paper you don’t need anymore. This tableware is a really creative decoration that won’t be unnoticed.

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Remember no to pour any beverages into them, they’re just for decorating! You can fill them with candies and chocolates. It will look beautiful and useful. Cecilia Levy, a big paper artist, has made these fantastic cups and it’s a source of inspiration for new projects.

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These cups require a lot of attention, hard work and patience. They are created only with paper. You can see how the pieces of paper cover up all the cups. In some of the pictures, it looks like little leaves, but it’s always recycled paper. These beautiful cups have every single detail! You can use any kind of paper to make these lovely craft.

These unique decorative cups will look amazing on your tables. You can even put some flowers inside of them to create a beautiful centerpiece.

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You can make this at home. You will need some paper (of any colors). You can recycle your old magazines and newspapers. It is not a simple handcraft but if you are patient, you will be able to create something similar to the cups in the pictures. It’s a superb DIY idea for recycling old papers. Besides, these decorative paper cups definitely look amazing, so let’s try!

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Photos: cecilialevy

Via decoración 2.0

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