10 ideas for recycling wrapping paper

When you receive a gift, don’t throw the wrapping paper away. Recycling wrapping paper can be a great idea for decorating. Besides, it is the perfect excuse to keep your favorite ones. I personally try to reuse wrapping paper for wrapping other gifts, but there are other options for giving it a second chance.

Do you want to know how? Here you have 10 ideas for recycling wrapping paper, although there are much more. Be creative, you can do countless things!

Ideas for recycling wrapping paper

1. Keep it to wrap other gifts. As I have mentioned before, this is what I normally do as I try to recycle as much as I can. It is a pity just throwing away this paper when you can reuse it easily.

2. Decorate cans and containers. You can cover the containers you have at home that you don’t use anymore. With some wrapping paper and glue you can turn ugly cans into beautiful containers that will help you organize all your staff.

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3. Cut it into strips. You can then use the strips as a base to put inside a box for other presents. It will look awesome!

4. Party decoration. As they tend to be very colorful, you can include them as part of your party decoration. For example, you can wrap the paper with plastic and use it as a table runner.

5. Centerpiece. As this material is easy to manipulate, you can make a lot of crafts with it, for example paper flowers.

Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest

6. Make gift bow. It is a great idea. If you like bows, you can do them with paper. Your gifts will look even better.

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7. Make Christmas garlands. You can create paper garlands for decorating you Christmas tree, the walls or the furniture. This garlands will look even better with gold or silver paper

8. Make washi tape. I am sure you already know these fantastic tapes. They are awesome for decorating almost everything. You just need to cut the paper into strips and add it some glue.

Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest

9. Make origami. If you like this art, you can make paper figures using wrapping paper. For example, paper star for decorating your Christmas tree. It is a fantastic way to save money on your Christmas decoration.

10. Make gift bags. The last option is making gift bags with this paper. They will look really original and you can do it on the size that best fits your gift.

Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest

There are much more ways to recycle this paper. Share your ideas with us!


Via: Decoración 2.0

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