10 reasons to be happy in a small apartment

Some people think that leaving in a small apartment has a lot of disadvantages. A small apartment can be cozier than a huge house with a lot of rooms. There are a lot of reasons to be happy in this kind of places and here you have some of them:

You’ll always be close to your books

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In a small apartment you’ll always be close to your shelving so you’ll find your books more easily.

You can have a small garden

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Some people think that you need to have a he outdoor place to have a garden, but that’s not true.

You’ll just have to clean one window, if you have it

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Having windows means having light, but if you don’t have it there’s something good, you’ll have to clean less.

You’ll be able to take a beer from your bed

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As your fridge can be very close to your bedroom

You can find space for everything

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You’ll learn how to be organized

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It’ll be easier to create cozy spaces

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Just using light colors and few furniture, the result will look amazing!

You’ll feel taller

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You’ll find alternative uses for your things

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You can use some of your gadgets in your decoration.

You’ll clean your house in less time

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As you have less space and less furniture, the house cleaning will be easier.

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages.

Via: Decoración 2.0

Pictures: Flickr

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