It is a trend to decorate our places with things made by ourselves. Our creations make your home something unique. Today we want to bring here some DIY projects to decorate.
Decoration world is not expensive anymore since DIY was created, a trend that put in practice our creative and artistic capacities and give us the opportunities to create things just as we want them. The opportunity to choose how we want something and do it is something awesome. I’ve always loved the idea of creating a DIY ambience and now that it is a trend in décor, I want it even more!
Social networks are full of pages, photography, ideas and inspiration. One of my favorite ones is PInterest. In this social network we can find almost everything thanks to the different categories we can find there: decoration, food, beverages, fashion, health… That’s why I want to show you some of the most interesting projects I’ve found there and that you can use to inspire you when it comes to decorating you home. The most important thing is to be sure that we want to use this method to decorate. I love it and I sure you’ll love it too!
To be able to decorate our home with DIY furniture we’ll use all the resources we have but we should also add some of your own originality. And if we can recycle anything, much better!
Decorating with pallets
It is one of the most useful things we are going to use in our DIY projects. It is economic, recyclable and versatile. From bed structures to flowerpots, this material enable us to do whatever we want. It has a lot of different ways to use them as we can varnish it and paint it in different colors. We can even use it as a bedside panel. It is a resource that we should take into account if we want to make our place look unique.

Decorating with stairs
DIY is a trend that it is helping the environment because it encourage us to reuse and recycle, and the results are amazing! Before throwing something away, we should look at it twice. Drawers, holders, frames… there are a lot of things that can serve us if we know how to use them.

Stairs are also part of this trend and here you have some ideas to know all the possibilities they have.
If you know how to do it, you can give an original touch to every space using a stair. Decorating a bedroom, using it as a holder, turning it into a shelf or just painting it and using it as a decorative element. We are the ones that put the limits!
I love this idea because we can use a stair (big or small) as a shelf in every space of our home, even to store things in our kitchen. It is a very practical and economic idea. Practical because we’ll have everything handy and economic because we won’t need to buy a need shelf. It is just a great idea!

An original bedside panel
I’ve always loved bedside panels that have something different and special. With DIY trend we’ve had the opportunity not only of finding this idea but finding a huge variety of styles and colors. The most interesting idea for me is using a couple of old doors. Besides, we can give them the style we want. We can just varnish them so that they look vintage or paint them in a color that match the ones we have in our bedroom.

DIY ornaments
Last, but not least, I want to show you a great idea for decorating small spaces. There are a lot of different ideas for decorating using DIY projects. In this case, we have chosen an original canvas with flowers. We just need an old frame or mirror that we don’t use anymore. We can paint it or leave it as it is to give it a vintage look.
Inside the frame we are just going to put some flowers. It is better if you put dried flowers if you don’t want to change them every week. You can make a picture like the letter below, whatever you prefer!

It is an eco trend that give us the opportunity to restore our old pieces of furniture applying our own taste. We don’t need to make a huge investment and it is an easy way to spend our time making our home look more beautiful.
Via: Decoración 2.0