
5 must-haves for a single apartment

This article is written to the women who are starting a new phase of their lives and are living alone. If you are one of those women, here you have some must-haves that your single apartment should have.

Couple live is a beautiful experience in life but single life is something a woman should live at least once. Living alone means absolute liberty, the opportunity to celebrate parties in your own home and much more. There are some things that are indispensable in this kind of apartments and today we are going to discover them. If you are looking for this kind of life, then keep reading!

When decorating an apartment we should take into account a lot of things. The most important thing is that our home should be our temple. We are the queens so we can decorate it as we want. That’s an absolute pleasure so we should take advantage of it. For example, if we like pink, we can use it wherever we want

A spotless kitchen


Some people consider the kitchen the most important place of the house. This place is sometimes where people talk and spend time, having a good time. Nevertheless, when it is a single apartment, reunions are not so often and the kitchen turns into a place to evaluate yourself as a chef.

It doesn’t matter that the apartment is a bit old, we can always give it our personal touch. Smeg fridges are a fantastic way to give the kitchen a touch of color. Flowers and light are other things to consider.

A bathtub like the old ones

One of the best Friday plans is resting at home. That time is perfect to take a bath and relax. And we love the image of a woman inside a bathtub with a glass of wine. You don’t have to spend a lot of money in a luxury decoration. Just make the bathtub the main piece of decoration.

A working space

Having a working space is not only useful but it can also help you develop new projects and ideas. Use posters with positive messages and try to have all your documents in organized and beautiful folders. There’s nothing better that working at home in what you like.

A dressing table

Women love to have an organized dressing table and a huge dressing room isn’t it? In a single apartments we should always have a place to make up and feel beautiful. In that way, we will have all our beauty products organized.

A huge bed

The last tip is about our bedroom. It is the most personal space in a single apartment. If you like vintage style, you can include mirrors, flowers and pastel colors in your décor.

When talking about feeling good in your bedroom, there’s nothing better than having a double bed for you. If you like to be confortable, don’t forget about it! To decorate it, combine textiles with the colors used in the rest of the bedroom and buy some cushions.

One of the biggest pleasures in live is having it organized. If you are thinking about moving to a single apartment, you can use these tips to make it an awesome space.

What else would you include?

Via: Decoración 2.0

Pictures: Pinterest

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