6 apps that will make your decoration easier

Decorating is easier every day. A lot of companies are investing in making your life easier, giving you some things like the ones we are showing you today. If you want to decorative but you find it really difficult, you can try the following apps we are bringing here today.

Photo Measures


It is an app that can help you measure the rooms of your home from your smartphone. In that way, you can go shopping and know the exact measures of your home to decide which piece of furniture best fits your home. It is a very useful app if you are refurbishing your home because you’ll have all the information you need available on your smartphone. The app can take photos, organize them and add the measures. The app is available for iPhone and Android.


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SnapShop is an iPhone app that can help you visualize any piece of furniture in your home. If you are looking for a new sofa and you don’t know if it really fits your home, take your iPhone and try this app, it can be really useful.

Home Design Planning tool

home design planning tool

Home Design Planning Tool is another iPhone app but this one is a bit more advanced than the ones before. It is an app to free your imagination and experiment with a lot of designs and colors. It can be really funny because with this app you can turn into a professional designer when you use it.

Magic Plan

magic plan - copia

Magic plan is another advance app that can let you measure, draw and publish an interactive blueprint of your home. The app is used to make blueprints of your home that can serve in the future when you want to make some decoration changes. Apart from that, you can add some objects and notes to have a database of all the things that your need in your décor.

Handy Level

handy level

This one is a very simple and useful app that can help you if you like to put things on your walls. Handy level is an app that ensure that all you put in your wall is straight.  All you have to do is put your smartphone on the frame of the  painting or the thing you are placing and move it until it is completely straight.

Paint my wall

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Paint my wall is an easy app that can help you a lot if you want to change the color of your walls. With this app, you can imagine how the different colors you like will look on your walls. You just have to take a picture and then paint it with your finger in the color you prefer. You can paint it in different colors and then choose your favorite one.

As you can see, there are a lot of different apps that can be very useful if you are thinking about refurbishing, don’t you think so? Do you use any other different decoration app?

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