A modern and minimalistic house made with transportation containers

This modern and minimalistic house has been constructed using recycled transportation containers. Although the materials may sound cheap, the house offers a luxury experience.


What can we do with the old transportation containers that the companies don’t use anymore? At first sight, these iron structures may seem useless, but with some imagination they can be turned into a modern house like the one we bring here today.

Experimental project


The project we bring here today was designed by the architecture studio Arcgency and it was an experimental project to show how a luxury house can be made with recycled materials. It was made by the company World Flex Home and it was constructed in Wuxi, China. The best thing of this project is that you can make this kind of house all over the world spending much less money than if you use classic materials.

A sustainable house


Although this house was more economical than a regular one, the architecture studio was looking for constructing more sustainable houses. That’s why they have used recycled materials. These materials used in the right way can be a great option, offering a lot of alternatives.

They also wanted to look for alternative system of providing light. To use only the necessary amount of electricity they have out big windows to use as much natural light as possible.

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We can find in the roof big solar panels to provide all the necessary energy to the house . The energy is stored in batteries that can be consumed when needed.

A modular house that can be customized

As we have previously said, the project was based on the design of modular houses. The advantage of this kind of houses is that they can be designed in the way that we prefer, choosing the number of modules, the size… All that we can imagine can be made using these modules


To avoid the ugly look of transportation containers , they have used wood to cover the whole house. Wood do not only make the house look better but they also protect the house against extreme hot and cold.

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Wood has also been the element used for the floor as this material makes the place warmer. This is an important thing taking into account that the house is mainly made with iron. Under the wood, we can find all the cables and the pipes then it makes the space look better.

Decorate this kind of houses also give endless possibilities. In this pilot home, the company has used simple furniture with straight lines and using basic colors that combine perfectly with some touches of bright colors. You can see that the rest of elements are made of wood or are white, making this house look really modern.

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You can see below the blueprints of this house so that you have a clearer view of the structure of the house. Maybe this is the new way of constructing or the future of construction.


What do you think about these objects to design houses? Would you like to live in a house like this one?

Via: Arquitectura Ideal

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