22 creative ideas for your DIY Christmas tree

This year, you have no excuse to content yourself with the plastic Christmas tree you bought years ago! If you would like to take care of even the smallest details of your Christmas decoration… It’s time to show how inventive you are by making your own Christmas tree!

To fire your imagination, I’ve gathered the most creative ideas of DIY Christmas trees. I’m sure they’ll inspire your Christmas decoration.

Christmas tree drawn on a chalkboard

Christmas tree drawn on a chalkboard

Christmas tree with natural branches

Christmas tree with natural branches

Christmas tree drawn on craft paper

Christmas tree drawn on craft paper

Christmas tree made with ornaments

Christmas tree made with ornaments

Christmas tree made with washi tape

Christmas tree made with washi tape

Christmas tree made with fabric

Christmas tree made with fabric

Christmas tree made with driftwood logs

Christmas tree made with driftwood logs

Christmas tree made with pompoms

Christmas tree made with pompoms

Christmas tree made of paper

Christmas tree made of paper

Christmas tree made with sticks

Christmas tree made with sticks

Christmas tree made with stickers

Christmas tree made with stickers

Christmas tree made with felt

Christmas tree made with felt

LEGO Christmas tree

LEGO Christmas tree

Christmas tree made with books

Christmas tree made with books

Christmas tree made with a string

Christmas tree made with a string

Christmas tree made of pieces of paper

Christmas tree made of pieces of paper

Christmas tree made with polka dots

Christmas tree made with polka dots

Christmas tree made with open books

Christmas tree made with open books

Christmas tree made with lights

Christmas tree made with lights

Christmas tree made with scrap wood

Christmas tree made with scrap wood

Christmas tree made with classic Christmas ornaments

Christmas tree made with classic Christmas ornaments

Christmas tree made with wine corks

Christmas tree made with wine corks

What do you think about these inspiring ideas to make your own Christmas tree? If you have already made other Christmas tree craft works, share them with us in our Facebook page, we would love to see your own artistic creations and share them with all our followers!

You can find more ideas for your Christmas decoration in our blog. Ideas for making your own Advent calendar, decorating your table with a gorgeous Christmas arrangement, arranging your Christmas lights, choosing the perfect Christmas vinyl crafts, using candles to decorate the house for Christmas, etc.

Via decoración 2.0

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