From trash to amazing furniture

Here in becoration we believe that trash is not trash. Everything has a second chance and if you can recycle some things you’ll not only be spending much less money but you’ll also contribute to the environmental well-being. If you are a DIY lover then you don’t have any excuse. Look at these ideas to turn your trash into amazing pieces of furniture.

From old bicicle parts to lamp
trash 1
From mat to garden bed
trash 2
From marine piece to chimneytrash 3
From piano to shelftrash 4
From pano to fountaintrash 5
From boat to benchtrash 6
From pallets to little cinema sofatrash 7
From boat to hammocktrash 8
From crib to desktrash 9
From piano to acquariumFtrash 10
From bike to sinktrash 11
From skateboard to swingtrash 12

Hope you liked the ideas.

Source: Dominiomundial

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