Ideas for decorating with washi tape (Part 2)

If you love crafts and decoration you should know what washi tape is. Washi tape is used on interior decoration and DIY because it is easy to use, cheap and the results are really beautiful. For further information about washi tape, you can go to ideas for decorating with washi tape Part 1.

There are endless washi tape projects. Here we have some ideas to help you introduce you to the washi tape world and to inspire you for your future projects.

Ideas for decorating with washi tape

The first idea is decorating candles with washi tape. You can decorate the candles with the colors of your room or introduce new colors to give them more importance, it’s up to you.

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Source: Pinterest

Your ceiling fan doesn’t need to look boring anymore. With some washi tape you can create stripes or other patters to make it look newer and more original. This idea is perfect for decorating children’s rooms.

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Source: Pinterest

You may also like to customize your wires and plugs. If you use colors that fit the overall style of the room this project will look fantastic!

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Source: Pinterest

In the same line, you can also customize your sockets and switches.

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Source: Pinterest

You can also make customized gifts with washi tape. For example, this photo frame. You need to take into account the colors of the bedroom in which you are going to put them and then combine different or similar washi tape colors and patterns.

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Source: Pinterest

Instead of decorating the frame, you can also decorate a print inside. Decorating with letters is so cool and these two ideas are the easiest ones to apply this trend, so why don’t you try?

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Source: Pinterest

If you love photography and you like you see your photographs in any moment this is your idea. Decorating with several photo frames is also a new trend but, why instead of using photo frames we create them with washi tape? You need more patience but the result will be amazing

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Source: Pinterest

Last, but not least, you can decorate your electrical appliances using washi tape. Original, isn’t it?

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Source: Pinterest

We will share more washi tape ideas in the future. You can also share your ideas with us in our Facebook account.





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