Low cost centerpieces for a wedding decor.

When preparing a wedding, we have to take into account all the important details. Today we want to inspire you with some low cost centerpieces that will make you save time and money.

The most beautiful things about weddings are small details. Weddings tend to be very original and organized to make the guests feel very special. The last time I went to a wedding we had little cards on each table thanking all the guests for coming, lovely, isn’t it?


Today we want to show you some low cost tips to have the perfect wedding centerpiece. One of the best things of good weather is that wedding can be made outdoor, that give us the possibility of making some special centerpieces. We don’t have to think that making our centerpieces is a sign of low cost weddings. DIY world is a trend right now, and you wedding will have a lot of personality.

If you need some inspiration, here you have 5 easy and beautiful ideas to make your own wedding centerpiece.


The first idea is using some recycled bottles as a vase. You just have to join them with some cord and put some flowers in them.


If you want to have some vintage touches in your wedding, this idea is awesome. You just have to put a cage with the name of the table on it. Place it on a golden tray and add some candles and flowers. Just perfect!


This floral cloche is the perfect idea if you want to make a fairy tail wedding. Apart from that, plants make the space more natural and the roses give a spectacular touch of color. This one is a bit more difficult, but following the steps you’ll be able to do it.



You can also use a product that we love in DIY projects, chalk paint. Paint some cans with chalk paint and use them as flowerpots. lovely, isn’t it?


The last idea is putting some flowers on wood boxes. Easy, cheap and beautiful.

Hope you enjoyed the ideas.

Pictures: Pinterest.

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