Some tricks to save space in your bathroom

Everybody would like to have as much space as needed at home, but that’s not always possible, it is in fact the contrary. We tend to have small rooms in our homes, especially bathrooms, but we can take the most out of them if we know how to do it and today we show you how.

When it comes to designing a house, we normally take space from the bathroom to make other rooms bigger. As a result, we end up having a tiny bathroom where it is impossible to put all our things.  That’s why we have to be clever and find new ways to use the spaces as good as possible. That’s what we want to obtain with the tricks we bring here today. They will make your bathroom look bigger at the same time the help you to organize your stuff.

Use built-in furniture


Use the bathub space to put drawersbathroom2 bathroom3
Use pots to organize your beauty productsbathroom4
Put shelves above the toiletbathroom5 bathroom6
Use narrow shelvesbathroom7
Use wine shelves as towel holdersbathroom8
Use spice racks as shelvesbathroom9
Use the space under the sinkbathroom10
Use hooks to save spacebathroom11
Use the stairs as a towel rackbathroom12

Hope you liked the article.

Via: Dominio Mundial

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