The program “Madrid Trabaja” is being broadcast today from GSD Moratalaz, dedicated to social economy.

Companies and entrepreneurs in the Social Economy sector have presented new forms of entrepreneurship at an event known for its uniqueness. The special broadcast of the program “Madrid Trabaja” took place from the auditorium of the GSD Moratalaz school. This radio space, renowned for its focus on promoting employment and entrepreneurship, is sponsored by Onda Madrid with the aim of supporting job seekers, self-employed individuals, cooperatives, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as individuals interested in public administration positions.

Today’s episode has been entirely dedicated to the Social Economy, an initiative led by the program director, Javier Peña. In collaboration with Gredos San Diego Madrileña Cooperative Society (GSD), the event has promoted an approach for students to entrepreneurship. Javier Peña emphasized the purpose of this broadcast by stating that he aimed to “promote the Social Economy and bring these forms of entrepreneurship closer to listeners,” as well as to the young people present at the event.

During the program, GSD students and teachers had the opportunity to ask their questions and clarify doubts related to the Social Economy. For this, they had the participation of prominent panelists in a roundtable discussion, including Carlos de la Higuera, president of FECOMA; Pilar Fernández, director of Institutional Relations and Marketing at GSD; Carlos Serrano, director of UCAM; and Pablo Cea, founding partner of Einsman.

In addition, the program included interviews with entrepreneurs in the field of the Social Economy, highlighting the participation of Raquel Mora from Physed Cooperative, Carmen Benito from MuM Cooperative Association, and Patricia Munera from Nunet Design S.L.L., among others.

The “Madrid Trabaja” team highlighted the added value of conducting the program live and in front of an audience, an experience that was enriching for both them and the attendees. Javier Peña, the program director, commented that his perspective on the Social Economy has evolved, considering it a source of stable and resilient employment that spans multiple productive sectors.

On the other hand, Carlos de la Higuera expressed his gratitude for the program’s effort to give visibility to the Social Economy in Madrid, especially in the context of the upcoming International Year of Cooperatives, scheduled for 2025. He emphasized the importance of this alternative receiving the recognition it deserves in public opinion.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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