
Some of the most expensive paintings in the world

The world of art doesn’t understand the Word crisis, even in the worst years, the Price of the paintings of the most famous artists keeps rising. Today we want to show you the most expensive ones in the world. Picasso, Vincent, Van Gogh, Goya or Renoir are one of the most famous painters in the world. Their paintings have been

Street art: creative inspiration with crystals on the walls

Discover what to do with gaps and cracks on the walls! Paige Smith brings a lot of creativity for decorating isolated and surprising gaps. Street art can be a creative inspiration for your decoration… Source: .boredpanda Street art is something quite common nowadays, but what would you think if you saw these crystal formations on the street? Crystallization is a

Nails decor: Nude

Today we want to bring here something special. When we are talking about decoration some people think that we are just talking about furniture and house indoor, but that’s not true. Here in becoration we love that décor, but we also love decoration in all of its other aspects. This new idea is about nails decoration.  Nowadays nail art is

Urban art to decorate the streets

You don’t have to go to visit museums to see art. You can see amazing things just going for a walk thanks to street art. These are some of my favorite urban art pieces I have found on the internet. This is considered to be illegal but in my opinion it is just art and it is a gorgeous way of decorating the streets.

10 most famous TV houses

Some days ago we showed you some of the most famous houses of TV series made by the artist Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde. I don’t know anybody that doesn’t feel that special sensation about a series you watch from the beginning to the end. When you start watching a series you love, you can even feel like part of the store,

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