
A transparent house you’ll love

From the time you know this awesome house we’ve brought here today, you’ll want to live in it. It is a modern and minimalist house whit everything you’ve always imagined. For a lot of people, architecture is a new way of making art, and they are right! Some people are capable of taking all the ideas from their head and

10 wonderful ideas to decorate your balcony

Not everyone takes time to decorate the balcony, they tend to leave it as it is or put some chairs or plants randomly. Applying a series of simple ideas, we can take the most out of it and turn it into our favorite place. A lot of people see the balcony as another window or a place to just check

Diy mugs

Waking up early and seeing a beautiful mug full of very hot coffee is the best way to start the day. Of course all mugs have the same function, but a beautiful one can make you see the world more beautiful. If it has a beautiful message it can make you smile from the very first moment of the day.

5 houses with minimalistic decor

Minimalism is an artistic style that appeared at the end of the 60s in New York, but its origin is tied to Europe, in the first ideas of Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, one of the most important architects of the century. Minimalistic style is characterized by the simplicity and the order. The main character is normally white, both inside

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