The Cleaning Habits of Spaniards: What Does the Kobold Study Reveal? – Interior Decoration

Cleaning is a fundamental aspect in homes, and its relationship with well-being is undeniable. A recent study conducted by Kobold, a company owned by Vorwerk – manufacturer of Thermomix® – and presented on World Cleaning Day, offers a detailed overview of cleaning habits in Spanish homes.

Revealing Data:

  1. “Troublesome” Areas: Kitchens and bathrooms lead as the areas that demand the most cleaning effort. Surprisingly, ceilings (79%) and mattresses (68%) are the most neglected surfaces, often rarely or never cleaned.
  2. Time Dedicated: 67% spend more than two hours weekly on cleaning, while 28% spend between one and two hours.
  3. Task Distribution: In only 36% of Spanish households, cleaning is a responsibility shared equitably. In contrast, in 34% of homes, the responsibility falls on women, and only 6% on men.
  4. Order, a Social Magnet: A significant 41% would open their doors to visitors more if their home was cleaner and tidier.

Despite valuing a clean and tidy home, over 50% of respondents feel that cleaning takes up too much time. 52% express a lack of time to clean, and 30% lack the energy or willingness to do it.

Inequality in Cleaning Tasks:

Although there have been advances in including all family members in household chores, there is still work to be done. Families with teenagers, for example, report that 30% of these young people do not contribute at all, while only 34% regularly take care of cleaning their assigned areas.

The “Forgotten” in Cleaning:

While cleaning the floor and doing laundry are common tasks, it is surprising that ceilings and mattresses are so neglected. However, in order to maintain a healthier environment, it is essential to tend to these corners at least a couple of times a year.

The Link between Cleaning and Well-being:

María González, from The Home Academy, points out that cluttered and dirty spaces can affect mood. However, with the right approach and tools, cleaning can become a source of well-being. Rita Cifuentes, the director of the same institution, adds that cleaning can improve self-esteem and enhance social life, two crucial indicators of modern well-being.

On the other hand, Carmen Picazo, from Vorwerk, highlights Kobold’s commitment to providing solutions that facilitate cleaning and promote well-being.

World Cleaning Day: A Global Reflection

Originated in Estonia in 2008, this day seeks to raise awareness about the importance of cleaning and proper waste disposal. Celebrated on the third Saturday of September, this global event urges collective action to keep our environments clean and healthy.

via: Opendeco, decoration news in Spanish

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