
Lovely Northern Europe Shops

I love shops where you can find toys, sweets, decoration things, things to make DIY projects and much more. It is like a paradise for me, a place to have fun and look for inspiration. This places offer not only a place to have a good time but also some ideas to decorate your home without spending a lot of

A house made of recycled pallets

For the construction of this house the main material used was recycled pallets. It is a material that has allowed the owner to reach its expectations at the same time he’s saving costs. It is more and more common nowadays when it gets time to construct to look for alternatives to save money maintaining the quality. In this sense, the

10 easy and cheap DIY ideas for decorating walls

Decorating walls with DIY projects was never so easy. There are a lot of DIY ideas for decorating walls, so it’s not complicated finding the one that better goes with your tastes and your style. You can find cheap and easy to do DIY ideas for decorating walls and we want to share some of them with you in this post.

Decorative ideas for a dinosaur party

Are you planning to hold a dinosaur party? Would you like to create original and fun decorative elements? Today, we bring you some decorative ideas for a dinosaur party. In themed parties, it is essential that we try to inspire every part of our decoration in the topic we’ve chosen. It may sound complicated but it’s quite simple, since you can

Want to have the house of your dreams?

In the house of your dreams you should have all the things you have dreamed of. Then you should leave some space to put some of the amazing things we bring here today that will make your home a better place, if that is possible. Everyone have always dreamed with enjoying a new house with all their favorite things but

Foldable furniture for small apartments

If you have a small apartment this article is for you. Here you have some examples of foldable furniture that will make your decoration more practical and beautiful. Small apartments are intimate and very personal. They are the best option if you live alone or for a couple. You can save a lot of time if you have a small

Original ideas for children playrooms

Children playrooms must be fun, entertaining and creative. Kids need to enjoy their games, but also use them as a way of improving creativity and training their brain. Games can provide a lot of original ideas for decorating, from rooms filled with plastic walls as if it were a big swimming pool to simpler options, such as the LEGO table

5 must-haves for a single apartment

This article is written to the women who are starting a new phase of their lives and are living alone. If you are one of those women, here you have some must-haves that your single apartment should have. Couple live is a beautiful experience in life but single life is something a woman should live at least once. Living alone

15 ideas for organising nail polishes

Nail polishes can sometimes become a chaos if we don’t find the way of organising them, specially if you have a lot of nail polishes. However, the task of organising nail polishes is not so complicated, we just need to find a simple and decorative solution. For doing so, today, we bring you 15 ideas for organising nail polishes. Telemundo51

10 wonderful ideas to decorate your balcony

Not everyone takes time to decorate the balcony, they tend to leave it as it is or put some chairs or plants randomly. Applying a series of simple ideas, we can take the most out of it and turn it into our favorite place. A lot of people see the balcony as another window or a place to just check

DIY projects using concrete blocks

Decorating a house can be really expensive, but with some imagination and out hands, we can turn our home into a unique place. We can do it using concrete blocks, pallets or any recycled thing that comes to our mind. We sometimes think about very complicated things when it comes to our home décor. This can be easier if we

Delicious scents for sweetening your spaces

Do you enjoy the delicious scent that fresh coffee leaves in your house in the morning? Do you like the sweet scent of homemade cookies?  Today, we want to share with you some ideas for choosing delicious scents for sweetening your spaces. Scents help us feeling at ease at home, but not everyone loves the same scents. Delicious scents for some

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