
Recycle a side table with chalk paint

You have an old side table and you don’t know what to do with it? Today we bring here a very special way to recycle an old wood side table: painting it with chalk paint! If you choose the right paint and color, the result can be awesome. Sometimes we have real treasures but we don’t appreciate them. They are

DIY, bottle decoration (Part 1)

Today we want to bring here one idea to decorate bottles so that they look like beautiful vases. DIY is a trend that is giving us the opportunity to make our own designs to our own tastes, giving an added value to our decor. Today, we offer you the chance to make your own vase in an easy and cheap

Ideas to decorate low cost bedside panels

You don’t have to invest a huge amount of money to have a beautiful decoration. That’s what we are going to show you today, how? With beautiful low cost bedside panels. Today we are going to show you that it is possible to make bedside panels in a cheap way. Apart from that, as it is a DY project, you

Ideas to create a jewelry holder

Today we want to bring here a DIY project that I think girls will love. Aren’t you tired of looking for a pair of earrings and spending a lot of time until you find it? Would you like your jewelry contribute to your décor? If the answer is yes, this is the perfect DIY project for you. It is easy,

25 DIY projects made with wine corks

Wine, apart from being taste, is a source of a really good material for making DIY projects. This materials is cork and there are infinity of option in order to create original decorative and useful objects with it. Today, we bring you 25 DIY projects made with wine corks that we hope can inspire your imagination. 1.Making stamps with wine corks

4 DIY decoration projects

It is a trend to decorate our places with things made by ourselves. Our creations make your home something unique. Today we want to bring here some DIY projects to decorate. Decoration world is not expensive anymore since DIY was created, a trend that put in practice our creative and artistic capacities and give us the opportunities to create things

Useful objects made with Lego

When we were young, most of us have played with Lego, using all our imagination. Now that we are adults we can still use them in the same way but creating useful objects for our home. I remember when I spent hours and hours playing with Lego, constructing and destructing every idea that I had. When I grew up, I

Creative ideas made with Wood.

With some imagination and the following DIY projects you can add a Nordic look to your décor. If you are looking for creative ideas with wood, a main material in Nordic decoration, here you have some ideas to include it in your décor in different ways. If you want to know them, keep reading! Wooden letters Decorating with letters is

Ideas for decorating with recycled objects

There are many ways for taking care of the environment and fight against climate change, and these ideas for decorating with recycled objects are some of them. The custom of recycling is not only about taking care of the environment, but also about taking advantage of old objects and having fun. We can look for original ideas to transform old

Outdoor bar ideas

Summer is finally here and today in becoration we have an idea to get the most out of it. Do you want to know what we are talking about? Then keep reading! Summer is the best season to use your garden or terrace and we all love to do it. The problem is that sometimes in winter we forget about

Transform an egg carton into an original box

Do you need an original box for a gift or for keeping small objects? Today, we want to tell you about how to transform an egg carton into an original box. We aren’t usually conscious about all the containers we throw away and that can be useful for creating original handcrafts with gorgeous designs. Decorating with recycled objects has become a

4 ideas to recycle a piece of rope

Do you know what creative recycling is? It is a different way of understanding life, including home décor. There are a lot of ways to recycle old things to give them a second chance. Today we want to show you how to how to recycle a piece of rope to decorate your home. This piece of rope can turn into

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